As a leader it is important to be yourself. All types of people and personalities can be good leaders but the best ones are true to themselves. They lead with their values. They follow their passions. They inspire people to come along. With authenticity in ourselves we can truly do all of these things. With authenticity embodied (e.g. - us own our own values, needs, dreams, etc) then all of the truth of us can truly show up.
How can you embody your truth today?
I have wildly successfully let go of my past and thereby am now healthily accepting change, flexibility, adaptability, and therefore growth with others...for the truth was I had been carrying a lot of my past with me for a long time. And in order to change we must let go and be in the now. Mindfulness helped that a lot through wisely enjoying the present and being wise enough to then allow the past to leave.
What have you been holding onto for so long that it feels normal? What will help you to be in the now? As we all grow into ourselves deeper and deeper intimacy can occur. People we have been connected to suddenly the relationships can go deeper. With those we have recently met we can healthily assess or determine which direction the relationship will take much more quickly. And with those we are partnered with we can truly be ourselves vs. agonizing about things so much or trying to change in order to match with that person.
When you are real about who you truly are, relationships deepen and thereby freedom occurs for wealth is successful relationships. As I grow more satisfaction in my healthy relationships I no longer limit my possibilities for the future and take action towards deeper connections rather than avoid or run from them. What relationships do you want to deepen? With whom do you want to spend more time? Living on purpose allows one to fully express who they are and what is important to them. Rather than living inauthentically or not validating your full range of emotions one can feel stifled, misunderstood, and/or not true to themselves. Once you find your true purpose you feel stronger to make sure you are living up to those standards and not making decisions which are not aligned to that vision any more.
Deep inner work heals the division within you but the true benefit of that is living truly aligned, on purpose, and using your voice authentically so that people see the true strength in you (your capabilities) as well as your true compassion, empathy, and heart for the wise authentically show both parts of themselves to the world. Finally then who you are beams out and neglects one's own needs no more but wisely lets them open up to being seen and heard and developed fully by asking for help, support, as well as partnership on things that are important to them. What is important to you? What do you need to ask for support or help on? Where do you need to show both your strength and your vulnerability? |
Monica ThakrarMonica Thakrar has over 18 years experience in business focused mainly on strategy, change management, leadership development, training and coaching resulting in successful implementations of large scale transformation programs. MTI Newsletter Signup For Email Newsletters you can trust. Archives
March 2023