When your voice has been tamped down throughout the years through your own fears or by others there is joy in coming forward and liberating yourself. By letting your real voice open up with support from people or a person who truly cares for you, you can grow into your full self and thereby flourish.
Open up to being liberated by stopping, honoring your true self and confidently chasing after your dreams!
Once you have found your authentic voice there is space once and for all for a vision to be put forward and focused on. As the right version of you as a leader comes forward a trust begins to develop with those around you that who you say you are and who is showing up is consistent. Now the time is right to bring forth your vision as a leader and learn to communicate it with others so that they want to come along.
Get clear on your values, vision, and mission by documenting them and allowing yourself to dream. Write your vision down, communicate it with others, and begin to notice who wants to help and/or feels inspired to work with you to get it done. Communicate early and often about your vision and enroll others to support you! As human beings and as leaders we so often focus on our weaknesses, or situations which are not working, to our own detriment. It drains our energy, it makes our mind programmed to see the negative, and unfortunately it creates dissonance with other people as we then draw to us people who also focus on negatives.
By focusing our attention on what is working, how well we are doing, and the work ethic which is strong then things begin to change. More people will want to be around you, problems with others will naturally fall away as strengths allow you to communicate more effectively, and happiness flows much more naturally. What are your strengths and how can you nurture them going forward? Many business professionals suffer from what is widely known as “imposter syndrome” at least once during their careers. Comparing yourself with peers and feeling like you don’t stack up can give birth to crippling self-doubt, which can then result in negative consequences for your business operations.
In order to overcome imposter syndrome in the workplace, it’s important to build your confidence in yourself and your abilities. The sooner you are able to accept yourself for who you are, the easier it will be to lead you and your team toward your goals and celebrate the milestones you’ve reached along the way. Read the rest of the article here. How hard is change? It's hard! As a change management practitioner I used to tell my boss I love helping others to change but I don't like it for myself. So what can we do to change more? The real answer is trust. Once we develop a deep sense of trust in who we are and then trust in others (as discussed in the last blog post) then change becomes much easier.
Then we realize just how much change can help us to grow and develop and be the person and/or leader we want to be. By focusing on what is working, on appreciating the benefits/good parts of the work then we can actually be much more desiring of change. Typically it some sort of fear holding us back from developing and as we grow in self-trust and thereby more willingness to trust others all of those barriers naturally fall away. Focus on your own development and change can happen easily. |
Monica ThakrarMonica Thakrar has over 18 years experience in business focused mainly on strategy, change management, leadership development, training and coaching resulting in successful implementations of large scale transformation programs. MTI Newsletter Signup For Email Newsletters you can trust. Archives
March 2023