Trust is the foundation of healthy relationships and healthy organizations. Trust for a leader can help them to lead change efforts in the organization as well as lead to high morale in an organization. In the book "Speed of Trust" by Stephen M.R. Covey (the son of Stephen Covey) he says trust can be built and the major components upon which it can be developed are: character, competence, and communications.
Are you typically a glass half full or half empty type of person? If you are a glass half empty person do you ever wish that you could see the world differently? As a leadership trainer and coach I often tell people to reframe their thoughts and focus on opportunities rather than problems but it can be hard to do. If you are not trained that way it can be learned. It is a discipline just like healthy eating, healthy workouts, healthy relationships, and healthy living. Healthy emotional states can also be learned through discipline and focus each and every day.
So what can we do to stay focused on the positive and create a glass half full mentality?
Emotional health and moods are so critical in positively moving forward in life and as leaders in organizations. Moods impact how we show up, how we interact with others, and what actions we end up taking. We can be in negative moods such as resignation or resentment due to circumstances we are living in or have lived in or we can shift our mood to positive ones such as acceptance or ambition. Whatever mood we live in or are in right now impact how we perceive things and the actions that we take. I find that community is such an important component of having positive moods.
They say that 5 people who you spend the most amount of time with impact you. I say that healthy positive people and community support can truly enhance and create the positive environment that allow for more consistent positive moods and more ability to bounce back from set backs which can be inevitable in life and leadership. Supportive community is a key component for leaders to thrive as they provide perspective, support, collaboration, and a new way of looking at things if you are in a negative mood. As a leader what types of communities are you a part of? What positive influences can you surround yourself with? Are you a part of networking groups, faith based groups, hobby groups? How can the help of community enhance your moods? |
Monica ThakrarMonica Thakrar has over 18 years experience in business focused mainly on strategy, change management, leadership development, training and coaching resulting in successful implementations of large scale transformation programs. MTI Newsletter Signup For Email Newsletters you can trust. Archives
March 2023